Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

My favorite day of the year arrived yesterday. It is called the day you receive the Girl Scout cookies you bought! I always order Thin Mints and Tagalongs, but this year there was a new cookie that caught my eye. I still ordered my usual, but since I am still losing weight slowly I thought I would try the new Thank U Berry Munch! These cookies are made with real cranberries! Yeah for me being healthy. Ok, now that you have laughed at me, I will admit that they aren't so healthy when you down the entire box in one day!!! Now, understand that there were only about 12 cookies in the sleeve, but let's get real. It doesn't matter what kind of cookie it is, if you eat the whole package in a 24 hour period. Thin Mints are in the freezer, just the way I like them. I will wait to start on those next week.

Let the blogging begin...

So, everyone has a blog! I decided, after several months of reading some amazing blogs kept by friends of mine, to create one for Blake and I. There is a lot that goes on in our life that I would love to, not only share, but document. It will be encouraging to reflect the blessings and struggles in our journey together as the months pass. With that said, I guess I will begin this blog with our journey thus far. Blake and I married on December 16, 2009- exactly five years from the date we began seeing each other. Before we begin this journey called "blogging", I'd first like to reflect.

Here is the breakdown of the first three years and two months in our marriage-

Jennifer- Antioch Elementary School teacher
Blake- UWF full time student and graduated May 2008/Davidson Middle School Coach/Sport's Locker/Liberty
National Insurance Agent/Insurance Adjuster with State Farm Disaster Team/Air Traffic Control student

Church: We were married at Woodlawn Baptist Church (our home church at the time). Soon
we felt the urge to find a ministry within a new church home. We visited Emmanuel for
about six months, and then decided to visit First Baptist in Crestview. This is the
church in which I grew up, and it didn't take long to hear God's calling. We joined in
the summer of 2008.

Vacations: We cruised to Mexico aboard the Holiday (Carnival) on our honeymoon. We spent our first Spring Break in Gatlinburg, TN. We cruised again out of Miami to Jamaica and the Grand Cayman Island during June 2007 with a few of our friends (Kristen/Teddy/Isabella; Andrea; Anna) We traveled to Las Vegas when Blake played in the All-Star football game November 2008. We have taken numerous trips to Disney World (The Happiest Place on Earth) for Spring Break, Night of Joy, and "just because we felt like it." Each summer we have spent a week in Destin with Blake's parents. We took Katie, my 15 year old sister, to Sea World in September 2009.

Interests: New York Giants football; Twilight series fans; skiing; ladder ball; Marble Slab Ice Cream; quoting movies;

Most exciting moment: The honeymoon. I'm not saying that the rest hasn't been great, but there is nothing like those first few days together. No distractions of "real" life- just us!

Most difficult moment: Oh...there have been many, but the hardest was the choice to go to Air Traffic Control school and move to Valdosta for one year. We made the decision to limit our exciting life with one another to every other weekend and phone conversations during the weeks.

Wow- a crazy, exciting, scary, busy, tiring, and ever changing journey thus far!
Who knows what the next few months will hold. Blake will be completing his ATC training around November 2010. He will move from Valdosta to his first airport assignment. Our plan is that I finish the 2010-2011 school year and join him in June. But really, WHO KNOWS???!!!? Come alongside and take this unpredictable journey with us.